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Conversations with Strangers feat. Cindy Coan

By Conversations
Conversations with Strangers feat. Cindy Coan
THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us. to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:
a little bit about Cindy:
Nancy decided at some point in her life to leave everything behind and just set out on the road and travel around the world and she did this on her own. more and more she saw how shocked people were that she would do this on her own and she looked at this shock and saw an opportunity arise. she decided that she would create a business that would help woman especially have the courage to travel on their own and experience the courage it takes to do what we and others think we cannot do.
we spoke about:
traveling alone and the shock people felt to see her on her own
loving people
and loving space
introvert and extrovert
feeling different and fitting in
where we are at and are we having a good conversation
or are we speaking without listening
canceling friendship because of beliefs
what we do when we don’t feel heard? the story of my daughter elisa.
the importance of failure and why we are scared of stand an interesting conversation on failure.
the hurt that we cause other people and how that stays with us
hear my confession about a terrible mistake i made and our discussion around it.
what is integrity?
do thinks happen for a reason
and so much more
to learn more about Cindy, please go to:

to get The Mosaic, please go to:
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to join The Hiitide/Mosaic Book Club
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Conversations with Strangers feat. Nancy Tilton Hand

By Conversations
Conversations with Strangers feat. Nancy Tilton Hand
THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us. to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:
we spoke about:
from contract lawyer to friendship maker
building walls and why we build them
letting go as a replica of consciously making the change you want to make
seeing a master at work
going inside and not doing enough of it
i came here to play
being an NLP practitioner at 16
and so much more
you will want to hear this conversation.
to learn more about Nancy, please go to:
Beyond Rainmaking
The Hands on Plan
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:
to join The Hiitide/Mosaic Book Club
to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

Conversations with Strangers feat. Karen DiMarco

By Conversations
Conversations with Strangers feat. Karen DiMarco
THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us. to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:
a little bit about karen: A nurse for 22 years with specialties in Intensive Care, Trauma, and Flight Nursing, Karen DiMarco (who is writing this in the 3rd person, which is weird, but apparently the standard for bios), had an experience in 2011 that she describes as “a coming home.” Within weeks of that profound moment – on the floor of a closet in a puddle of snot and tears – her mental and physical illnesses, and a 26-year history of eating disorders, melted away.
Since then, she has been a catalyst for transforming the way we deliver and conceive of health care and wellbeing. Put simply, the mind and body are not disconnected, and when misunderstandings of the mind are healed, there is a profound healing effect on the body.
from the moment she stepped into the zoom room, i loved her energy. it is high octane and contagious and we immediately felt close to one another and just started laughing
we spoke about:
why i am doing this
experimenting with the idea of doing micro-dosing psychodelics how easy it is to feel close to someone we don’t know
the gap
the importance of the question “how are you?”
in the fast lane following someone going 35 miles an hour
boo-hoo moments
the appearance of The Road Worker into our conversation
the creation of more words than anyone who has ever visited the zoom room
the first day of school, 3 kids, and the outfit that was never meant to be seen
changes in perspective
and so much more
to learn more about Karen, please go to:
Website is:
Instagram: karenrdimarco
Facebook: karenfritzdimarco
Facebook business page: karendimarco
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:
to join The Hiitide/Mosaic Book Club
to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

Flipping the Script- Conversations with Strangers feat. Jessa Grace interviewing Daniel Levin

By Conversations
Flipping the Script- Conversations with Strangers feat. Jessa Grace interviewing Daniel Levin
THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us. to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:
this is a first. Jessa was on my Conversations with Strangers show and we have felt each other and built a relationship from that show that isbn the earliest stage but feels really unique. with that being said, she asked me if she could flip the script on me and be the one that asks me the questions. of course i said, of course.
so this is a fun conversation where she asks things about me she wants to know and i answer the questions. what makes this show particularly interesting is that i am in such a new place, one which i think was awakened by our first conversation together.
i have opened myself up for people to come and feel the energy, not in a guru-esque way, but as a friend wanting to make everything i have available to anyone who wants it. it is not mine, bt rather the divine flowing through me and the emptier i become, the more i get filled up.
there is something so new happening through me right now and to be able to speak it out with Jessa who helped initiate it is special
we spoke about:
the sensuality of creativity
what happens when the 2nd chakra opens
sexuality and creativity
being used and being completely invisible
loving everybody
how odd it is for me to publicly speak about intimacy
and intimacy happening at a distance with strangers
living as a monk
living in the space of no time and space
and a whole lot more
to learn more about Jessa , please go to:
her business is Greater Good Innovations

facebook is

facebook community is:
the signature ‘Initiation’ program she offers which is very powerful is:
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:
to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

Conversations with Strangers feat. James Ayotte

By Conversations
Conversations with Strangers feat. James Ayotte
THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us. to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:
this is one of those conversations that are hard to imagine people having who have never met each other before. i had one yesterday with someone that i have yet to release where we felt so much they same that she said on camera, i swear folks i am not a plant (meaning i think that the resonance between us was so strong it would seem impossible for us to connect so quickly, so deeply without some trickery of some sort.
but this is real.
and it happened again today in the conversation.
we are not only these bodies. there is an energy that radiates through us that can be felt thousands of miles away. and it can be felt without us even having to do anything. it is what allows me to come into this room and feel people so deeply and with James feel like he is a brother of mine even though i have never met him in this lifetime.
if this interests you, you will love this conversation. if this feels weird to you, i suggest you open your mind and heart and sit with us and expose yourself to something new. either way, please let me know what you feel about all this.
as always, sendining you all BIG, BIG LOVE. please have a listen . . .
we spoke about:
thought forms and the power of creation
how big our energy is
hiding in the closet
it is time to be seen
the power of seven over the power of one
how hard it is to d for ourselves what we do for others
the challenge of these next 3 months
feeling things before they happen
doing our work
understanding we are creating our own portable paradise or portable hell
inside out work
and so much more
to learn more about James, please go to:
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:
to join The Hiitide/Mosaic Book Club
to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

Conversations with Strangers feat. Laurie Herbers

By Conversations
Conversations with Strangers feat. Laurie Herbers
Laurie Herbers is an Empowerment Coach and Author. Her recent book is Second Chances How I Turned Hate into Love and Found My Purpose.
In her youth she struggled in abuse and trauma, carrying the pain forth into adulthood. Hating life was her home and daily struggle until the day she decided to change her thoughts and beliefs and pursued love with a fervor that superseded everything else.
She completed certifications in Love and Authenticity and Whole Healing, using what she was learning to heal herself. Now her mission is to guide over a million individuals into the fullness of love so they can pursue their purpose with passion and love.
She is passionate about others never having to go another day feeling worthless, unwanted, unloved, feeling guilt, shame, pain, and judgment.
Everything she does is done in love and believes in honoring all life. She is passionate about leading others to truth, their purpose and falling into love with life, every aspect of it. Her number one goal in life is to change the world through a movement of love from the soul.
When she is not working she could be out with her daughter enjoying love through nature, reading, or singing along with her favorite songs.
please have a listen.
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:
to join The Hiitide/Mosaic Book Club
to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

Conversations with Strangers feat. Leandra Haupt

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Conversations with Strangers feat. Leandra Haupt
THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us. to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:
Leandra was not a complete stranger. she was kind enough to have me on her podcast and we enjoyed each other so much, i wanted to have her on Conversations because i wanted to know more about her. what interested me most is what came up in our conversation right from the start.
when i asked her who she is, she spoke of the different layers of who she is, and then spoke about how she loves this human body that her soul inhabits, which was really interesting for me for i have spent a lot of my life with no consideration for mine.
she is an expert on nutrition who came from a big struggle she had in her life that led her to this discover. in her very grounded presentation, hear how connected she is to the work she does.
we spoke about:
happiness as a mindset and where it center is
being in alignment with ourselves
making ourselves free from negativity
allowing ourselves to make mistakes
the difference of 2 families
overweight to anorexia
listening to the body and what it is telling us from the foods we crave
nutrition and eating comfort food
and so much more
please have a listen.
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:
to join The Hiitide/Mosaic Book Club
to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

Conversations with Strangers feat. Candace Joseph

By Conversations

Conversations with Strangers feat. Candace Joseph

THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us.
to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:

the first thing i was struck by with Candace is how beautiful her heart is and then hearing from her how she was bullied and looked for was to be liked. and when you feel her here, it is almost impossible to do anything but like her.

here is someone who was so ready to love and be loved and all she wanted was peace. she searched everywhere for ir, but couldn’t find it. until she discovered that peace INSIDE HER.

we spoke about:
being bullied
being unhappy
faking happiness
helping people
looking into the mirror and not liking what you see
finding buddhism
being seen for the first time
and not wanting to be seen
going from not liking herself to liking herself
and the moment she smiled for the first time
hear her roadmap to changing herself

to learn more about candace ,
please go to:

The Joseph Consulting Firm, LLC
Facebook: @josephconsultingfirm
Instagram: @josephconsultingfirm
Twitter: @JosephConsult_

Phone : 713-425-0510

The Business Knowledge Broker Hour with Candace Joseph
Facebook: @Thebkbh
Instagram: @thebkbh

she also has a new podcast on :
Anchor FM
Google podcast
Pocket Cast
Radio Public

And YouTube : Business Knowledge Broker Hour

#AgendalessConversations #TheMosaic #TheMosaicPodcast #50ConversationsWith50Strangers #ConversationsWithSrangers #DanielBruceLevin #AskSomeoneYouDoNotKnowHowAreYou #Listen #SeeMe #HearMe #CandaceJoseph #TheBusinessKnowledgeBrokerHour #JosephConsultingFirm #MyMirror #Thebkbh #JosephConsult_ #BuddhistOpenEyeMeditation

to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:
to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

Conversations with Strangers feat. Jessa Grace

By Conversations

Conversations with Strangers feat. Jessa Grace

THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us. to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:

nothing about this conversation was normal. and i loved that about it. i have no idea how Jessa and i connected, i have no idea why her name just came across my mind, but i remember reaching out to her and inviting her to be on The Conversation. we set up a time and something came up on her end and we did not have our scheduled call. we texted each other and worked out a new time, but something about the messaging this time was different. i felt her a lot.

this happens to me enough that i no longer question it, but this time the energy was powerful. and . . . i felt something else, i felt that she needed energy and so i asked her if it would be ok if i sent her energy, she responded by saying thank you. and i consciously poured energy into her. the more i gave, the more she received. it was easy and effortless and it was so interesting to see someone who gives so much, being able to receive with so gusto. she felt it and i could feel she did because the area in her that was depleted was now strong again. we had never met, spoken, seen each other but already there was a deep connection. i felt her and she felt me. she was so kind to recommend to some of her friends to have a conversation with me and they signed up to do so. so although i knew nothing about her, i knew quite about about her. i felt her inside me, and i think she felt me inside her too.

i would love to hear what you feel listening to this conversation.

we spoke about:

the connection that we felt


being brave

being courageous

being resilient

the shift in her work

her ability to be there for people and for them to just receive from her the unlimited source of energy available

and a whole lot more

to learn more about Jessa , please go to:

her business is Greater Good Innovations

her facebook is

her community is

And this is my signature ‘Initiation’ program that I am offering. I will be opening up an ‘incubator’ as well in the coming months. I’ll keep you posted on that! It was VERY powerful last year when I did it for everyone.

#AgendalessConversations #TheMosaic #TheMosaicPodcast #50ConversationsWith50Strangers #ConversationsWithSrangers #DanielBruceLevin #AskSomeoneYouDoNotKnowHowAreYou #Listen #SeeMe #HearMe #JessaGrace #GreaterGoodInnovations #Initiation #HeartfeltMarketing #TheJessaGrace #InnovationInitiation

to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:


to get The Mosaic, please go to: or go to amazon:

to join THE MOSAIC/HIITIDE book club

to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here:

Conversations with Strangers feat. Lynn Bagdasian

By Conversations
Conversations with Strangers feat. Lynn Bagdasian
THIS SHOW IS SPONSORED BY THE MOSAIC. Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us.
to learn more go to: or to buy the book please go to amazon:
i feel so loved and supported by this woman and i have never seen her, spoken to her and corresponded with her. so how is that possible? let me explain. Lynn is friends with me on social media and she has always been so kind to me there. she likes so many of my posts. i have been touched to always see her support.
and so i reached out to her and said, i feel like i know you, but i don’t know you, would you like to come on my show Conversations with a Stranger, and meet each other there. she immediately agreed.
i came into the room so looking forward to finally meeting this person who was so generous and kind with her support and the moment i saw her, i could feel her excitement too at being here in this room with me, and you could feel we were both looking forward to getting to know each other.
we spoke about:
and forgiveness, OMG forgiveness was such a big part of her life
how she grew up and how hard certain things were
and forgiveness
about being hurt and still living people
and did i mention we spoke about forgiveness
but not in a way that the lesson was preached to us
but rather in the way that makes every single person want to forgive more
we spoke about where she get her positive attitude from
and the choices she makes to be the way she is.
and a whole lot more
to learn more about lynn , please go to:
Instagram @lbagdasian
Facebook Lynn Wasylyk Bagdasian
Text 508-330-4472
LinkedIn: Lynn Bagdasian, CPC, ELI-MP
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to amazon:
to join THE MOSAIC/HIITIDE book club
to subscribe to my YouTube channel, please go here: