If you would spend 10 minutes with someone you do not know and let them tell you how they are, their life would change. if all of us did that, the world would change.
10 Years A Monk
I left one day before being ordained a Rabbi in Jerusalem, Israel and then lived 10 years as a Monk in a monastery in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. I will help you know yourself.
Corporate Head
I was the Director of Business Development at Hay House and played a big part in helping it grow from $3,000,000 to $100,000,000 over the next 10 years. I can help you grow your business.
5D Personality
I am a rare blend of mystic and business guy whose ability to see the world differently has drawn people, companies, and governments to invite me to work with them to jump-start innovation. I will show you how to see differently.
Respected Author
I am a story teller. Our words create our stories; our stories create our life. Change the words and the whole story changes. Change your story, and your whole life changes. I can help you wordsmith your words, rewrite your stories and change your reality.
Mosaic Archetype Work
WORK WITH ME. The Mosaic Archetype Work opens you. In the 1 on 1 work we do together, you will connect to some of The 55 Archetypes of The Mosaic. You will start to see life differently. The stories you have lived by will change. It happens subtly; it isn’t only in the stories you hear of The Archetypes, or in the conversations you and I will have, but in the spaces between those stories and conversations.
Somewhere in the process. you feel the simplicity of the Archetypes. You feel the power and exquisite beauty of the ordinary as it gives you permission to just be yourself.
This is for you if: you life or business is stuck in the same routine and you are ready to innovate by seeing new possibilities, new answers and new perspectives; you are tired of doing the same old things and getting the same old answers; believe that you are only seeing a small part of what is in front of you and believe you can look at what you have always looked at and see something completely different; you know that every voice is important and want to listen to more voices before making decisions. and much more.
For more information, click here.
I am a Mirror Maker.
I always look forward to the moment when The Mirror Maker comes. It is a moment of complete transparency, vulnerability, and self acceptance. It is that moment when you see the exquisiteness of who you are for the first time.
The Mirror Maker doesn’t ask, “What do you see when you look in the mirror?” it asks “What does the mirror see when it looks at you?” The mirror doesn’t know all your stories or who you think you are, it sees only you. So what does the mirror see? Click here if you are ready to see.
I am a Trashman.
I invite you to put all that troubles you into my trash can. My hope is that for just one moment, you might feel how good it feels to be yourself, free of all that binds you.
To do this work with me, click here.
I am a Magician
What is, is. But The Magician comes to show you that what is, is not all that is. When you become limited and believe only in what you see. The Magician comes to restore your hope. The way you see the world has limited you to think of only what you can’t do. He comes to show you everything is possible. The magic comes from what cannot be seen.
The work of the is to bring miracles. The fact that the Magician appears now means you are ready to experience a miracle. If you would like to have a conversation, contact me here.
Invite Me to Speak.
They are the stories of the “ordinaries”, the people that sit next to you at work, they watch their kids play in the playground and shop in the same supermarkets. They are the ones who do not feel good enough to be heard, and they span all careers, from the homeless to the CEO.
My “talks” are invitations to listen to each other, to hear the wisdom of the room, to come together to find new solutions, create new opportunities and to build connection.
We are better together.
If you are interested in having me “Speak” at your business or your event, contact me to begin a conversation.
“You live what you speak. You are the most amazing presenter I have seen. From the program you gave, I now see such a change in how we interrelate in our organization. Immeasurable transformation. We are committed to keeping this going. From our hearts, thank you.”
Hillary Alexander – P.S. Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology and Mining – Jamaica