Blog The Chit Chat Show with Ian Renaud Feat. Daniel Levin This was one of those interviews where the interviewer simply holds the space for his guest, me 🙂 to share from a deep place. I…zenseidannyJanuary 10, 2021
Blog NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS it is time to see each other differently. for too long we have lived in silos of political affiliation economic status color of our skin…zenseidannyJanuary 8, 2021
Blog CONTROL OR FLOW . . . WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE? little did i realize when i wrote this one year ago all that was in store for me/us when we were to let it all…zenseidannyDecember 20, 2020
Blog FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE THE CARETAKERS . . . as you may or may not know, i have spent a lot of years…zenseidannyDecember 19, 2020
Blog Will You Meet Me There? sitting in the early morning before the world awakes a quarter moon in the sky waves crashing on the shore i feel source so powerfully…zenseidannyDecember 17, 2020
Blog 23 HOURS, 59 MINUTES AND 45 SECONDS 23 HOURS, 59 MINUTES AND 45 SECONDS many years ago, the rebbe pulled me aside and told me he wanted me to understand the difference…zenseidannyDecember 17, 2020
Blog One Photo of a Moment in Time maybe it is chanukah ? but lately i have been feeling these day a lot the 2 rabbi’s that changed my life being completely downloaded…zenseidannyDecember 17, 2020
Conversations Conversations with Strangers feat. Sohee Jun Conversations with Strangers feat. Sohee Jun being an empath, sometimes, i feel people before i ever meet them. and when the person i…zenseidannyDecember 8, 2020