Uncategorized YOUR BUSINESS IS A REFLECTION OF YOU It always surprises me when I see how a person presents themselves, how they dress, the style of their clothes, the manner in which they…zenseidannyOctober 14, 2013
featured THE FIRST STEP IS LIKING HOW YOU LOOK This is something I have battled with all my life. As kind and gentle as I am with others, I find that I am very…zenseidannyOctober 14, 2013
featured Myth Buster Just as it is so hard for us to see ourselves clearly, without the distortion our stories place on what we see, The same is…zenseidannyOctober 14, 2013
featured The Tibetan Prayer Wheel… is an amazing metaphor for life. The monks spin the wheel all day and night. The wheel never stops turning, and the monks believe that…zenseidannyOctober 14, 2013