A story I was asked to write to brand a hotel,
The Andaz Maui @ Wailea Resort and Spa
created what I believe will become a new emerging trend,
a revolution in the hospitality and spa industry.
Quietly, it happened
and then BAM, it happened again at the trainings.
The heart and soul of every person was touched.
A little book,
changed not only the lives of people,
but perhaps an industry, as well.
Big changes often happen without anyone even realizing.
I watched it happen.
A little change in thought
and hotel staff
who entered the room
left as family.
And yet,
as big as this impact of this story is,
it is the story they are writing now that will change history.
As the ancient Hawaiian proverb says:
“We are the descendants of our ancestors and the ancestors of our descendants.”
The actions our Ohana take today,
will write the story their descendants read tomorrow.
Time will tell their story as it will yours.
What story are you writing your descendants to tell of you?