see differently
when we see the world differently
the world we see becomes different.
are you willing to look at your life
your relationship,
your business
look how coved has
made us
all innovate?
where do you go from here?
are you able to listen and hear
love and accept
acknowledge and validate
the people and the world around you?

innovation and change
creativity and genius
do not exist in status quo.
we cannot change if we do not change.
recently a company brought me in to interview me.
they wanted to see if i could help them
they had been trying for many years to raise money
to create something that would go down in history as visionary
but they were unable to raise the money
and so the project for years and years remained undone.
sitting with them
i felt instantly why they had not raised the money
the story they were telling was not connecting to people
and i created a proposal for them
that eliminated their main objection,
“we have had a lot of people come in here and take our money
and not provide results.”
this was the excuse they were hiding behind
so i told them,
i would do the work and get paid
only when the work i did
brought in for them the money they sought.
it turned out,
they were scared to take the risk
and once i had resolved the problem they were hiding behind
they found another problem.
this is what we do when we are scared to play big.
i do it too sometimes.
the new excuse was
that had i come in, in a suit and tie and sat with them
they would have probably gone with my offer
but my look was too unconventional.
i shared with them,
the suits and ties had brought them to this place of frustration
what they saw as my disadvantage
was in fact my greatest advantage.
i am different.
i look different. think different.
and do business different.
i draw with a different box of crayons.
i am the one
people come to
when they want something different than what they have.
if they are happy with the status quo,
they do not need me.
i am not for everyone
nor do i want to be.
i am for those who want to stand out
for the innovators,
who want to create something different than everyone else.
and so we said goodbye amicably.
interestingly enough, to this day,
they have still not raised the money they need
and the project remains in pretty pictures,
but not in reality
i cannot disrupt a culture
by fitting in the box that creates the problem
i must stand out.
outside of that box.
innovation does not come by being the same
it comes from the practical creatives.
do you have the courage to be different,
not for the sake of rebellion
but for the celebration of originality.
to me, this is what we all yearn for
in our lives, our businesses, our communities
the creative unique expression to be who we truly are.
this is my joy
to live this way
and help others discover what makes them stand out.
how about you?
does this resonate with you?