50 More Conversations with 50 More Strangers with Barbara Ann Centeno-Pina

https://youtu.be/04jXaGmBwik i took a chance.

Barbara had liked 1 or 2 of the conversations i had, had and so i reached out to her to ask if she would like to have a conversation with me too. she took a chance and agreed. she was not a big social media person, but for whatever reason she decided to give this a try and within minutes of our conversation, 2 strangers were suddenly for no reason at all talking to each other as friends. i could explain from my perspective what happened, but i would rather you watch and see for yourself what happened and then let me know what you feel.

something beautiful happened n that room for after the conversation barbara sent me this note along with her head shot for the cover and her social media links: Hi Daniel, Thank you for inviting me to speak with a stranger. Interestingly enough I feel lighter after speaking with you, as if I had confessed something. I am glad you choose me to speak with and we are no longer strangers. Best Regards, Barbara Ann Centeno-Piña

#DanielLevin #TheMosaic #BarbaraAnnCenteno-Pina #KellerWilliamsRealty #MoreConversationsWithAFriend #50ConversationWith50Strangers #NotAStranger #aNiceSurprise #Amazing #StrangerThingsHaveHappened #DontBeStrangers . .

To learn more about Barbara, please go to these links::

Realtor at Keller Williams Realty San Diego East Foothills DRE #02053330 Hablo Español (619) 414-4190 or (562) 688-5229

Facebook: Barbara Ann Centeno-Piña https://www.facebook.com/barbaraann.centenopina.7

Facebook Page: @BarbaraAnnCenteno Https://BarbaraAnnCenteno.kw.com Https://X710215.yourkwagent.com

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