50 Conversations with 50 Strangers with Mary Josephine
I met Mary when she first joined my facebook group, The Mosaic Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435516083313131/ she had commented on my book The Mosaic and she was so generous and kind with her comment, i decided i wanted to meet her and have a conversation with her. This was that conversation.
what i loved about this conversation is how someone who makes mosaics feels the way she makes mosaics is similar to what i wrote about in my book. how is it possible to share so much resonance with someone you don’t know. the more we spoke, the more she said that made me realize, she can and will be a friend of mine for the rest of my days.
hear us talk about the darkest times in life, suicide attempts, her showing up for a friend who needs her, leaving retail and becoming serious about her art and much, much more.
you can email her @ maryjosephinemosaics@gmail.com
On Instagram: mj mosaics
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