50 Conversations with 50 Strangers with Andrew Davis
it always interests me and surprises me who i will find in my zoom room and how the conversation will start. because i have done this a lot of times now, i have put together a series of questions that help to shape the conversation with the thought that one day perhaps i will make a documentary that will use all of these conversations to share with the world what people are saying.
it was great to meet andrew and to feel his enthusiasm and vigorous to live his life by the guidelines of getting out of debt. he has almost a religious- like fervour to do this and help others do the same. what is interesting to me is when i ask people what if what they believe is not true, i like to see what happens.
i could tell you how this conversation went but i think you have to hear for yourself what followed. i guarantee you, you will be interested in this conversation. please let me know . . .
#DanielLevin #TheMosaic #AndrewDavis #50ConversationWith50Strangers #aBigSurprise #Amazing #StrangerThingsHaveHappened #DontBeStrangers
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